BrandenRifts: Combat SystemI want to take a break from my Rifts book reviews and discuss a controversial subject: Rifts’ combat system.Feb 7, 2021Feb 7, 2021
InThe Ugly MonsterbyOscarLo! Thy Dread Empire: Capitalism Will Work You To Deathand then resurrect your corpse to finish your shiftFeb 286Feb 286
Craig BednarTelling Stories with Strangers — Indie TTRPG One ShotsI had been looking for a tabletop role-playing game group for years. I have a couple of different groups to play board games with, but…Feb 26Feb 26
InThe Ugly Monsterbysean f. smith / he, himInto the Odd + Best Left Buried: One Week in Januarytwo plays reportsJan 241Jan 241
Zuzanna ŻakLearning how to play, creating a character, and playing a scenario in under 4 hours?Review of the MÖRK BORG role-playing-game systemJan 24, 2023Jan 24, 2023
InThe Ugly MonsterbyOscarArtpunk Will Save Your Doomed SoulMörk Borg, HōL, and the savage subversion of tabletop roleplaying gamesJan 203Jan 203
Tim BurnsThe D&D Backstory of the Iconic d20In Dungeons and Dragons, all characters have backstories. The iconic d20 also has a heroic backstory as a wonder of probability and…Dec 24, 2024Dec 24, 2024
InThe Ugly MonsterbyJacob ._.'Palestinian Relief Bundle: The New EntriesBreaking new ground in 2024Dec 24, 2024Dec 24, 2024
InThe Ugly MonsterbyJacob ._.'Palestinian Relief Bundle — Overview: The ‘Repeats’‘FIST’ is so nice you saw it THRICENov 14, 2024Nov 14, 2024
RahabibIs Crunch in RPGs, Bad?Growing up in the 80s and 90s, I played a lot of RPGs, particularly in the 90s, with a steady diet of very crunch-heavy games. My most…Dec 14, 2024Dec 14, 2024
InRPGuidebyErica LindquistDoes the Storyteller need to know all the rules?How important is it that whoever is running the RPG table knows all of the rules of the gaming system? The answer seems to vary depending…Jan 5, 20221Jan 5, 20221
Rock, Paper, Siren!White Boy Samurai: Reflections on LARP’s Obsession with the OrientWhile sitting at the library writing this blogpost, I literally had someone come up to me and compliment my “Scottish-Japanese attire”. I’m…Jul 23, 20249Jul 23, 20249
InThe Ugly MonsterbyLukeSisters of Battle, Titans, and ‘Mothership’Hobby Blog #9: A Return to BloggingNov 14, 2024Nov 14, 2024
Konstantinos DimopoulosA fantasy city generation toolCreate a fantasy city using nothing more than some dice and a few handy tablesSep 25, 2024Sep 25, 2024
InThe Ugly MonsterbyOscarElection Day: Political Mechanics for Tabletop Roleplaying GamesAlso, The Ugly Monster endorses Kamala HarrisOct 24, 2024Oct 24, 2024
InInterstellar Flight MagazinebyA. A. VoigtThe RPGs that Spawned from AlienFrom Free League Publishing to Mothership to Chris Bissette’s The WretchedOct 16, 20247Oct 16, 20247
InRoleplay GazettebyFlorence EmbersOne of The Best Roadside Picnic inspired TTRPGWelcome to the Quarantine ZoneOct 7, 2024Oct 7, 2024
Everest PipkinThat was how it happenedPlaying Polaris alone at the edge of the worldOct 2, 2024Oct 2, 2024
Craig BednarWhat Tabletop Role-Playing Games Have Taught Me About Post-CapitalismIn the past few weeks I have been reading articles on tabletop role-playing game theory that were posted in the late 90’s to early 2000’s…Sep 22, 2024Sep 22, 2024